Formerly 313 Pound Financial Advisor...
Now A Grand Canyon Rock Climber
Who would believe this story? But it's true. I just returned from a two-week trip to the Grand Canyon where I participated with a group of 16 friends paddling nearly 200 miles down the Colorado River through the Grandest of Canyons.
The suprise was less that I could paddle & keep up on a trip like this, but rather, it was the side "expeditions" we took. Periodically throughout the trip we would hike down "slot canyons" and much of the time we would hike "up" these canyons. There were many times on these little adventures (sometimes lasting hours), where I would look up at a rock-climb (sometimes as much as 1/2 mile vertical climbing) and think... "I can't do this."
I'm certain that in my brain, I'm still thinking as a 313 pound guy, rather than the 140 pound lighter person I am now at 173 pounds. Step-by-step and lifting up over one rock and then the next, I made it fine through each of these climbs. What a sense of accomplishment and gratitude I feel for being able to do activities like this now.
When your resolve is there... you can accomplish your goal to be lighter & fitter, just as I have. Is there any question that you can do this too?
It rests with your belief.
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